Interview with Jacques Delors — Part 1 — Jacques Delors's thinking on Europe in the light of the Lisbon Treaty (Paris, 16 December 2009) (length: 00:30:44)
VideoInterview with Jacques Delors, President of the Commission of the European Communities from 1985 to 1995, conducted by the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE) on 16 December 2009 at the Paris-based premises of the think tank ‘Notre Europe’, of which Jacques Delors is the founding director. The interview, conducted by Hervé Bribosia, Research Coordinator at the CVCE, particularly focuses on the following subjects: the think tank ‘Notre Europe’, the concept of a ‘federation of nation states’ and the Community method, the Treaty of Lisbon and the institutional reform of the European Union, the role of the national parliaments, the European Convention and the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, the future of the procedure for the revision of the treaties, the spill-over effect, differentiated integration and reinforced cooperation, the EU’s borders and Turkey’s application for accession.
Interview with Jacques Delors — Part 2 — Jacques Delors's career before becoming President of the European Commission (Paris, 16 December 2009) (length: 00:41:44)
VideoInterview with Jacques Delors, President of the Commission of the European Communities from 1985 to 1995, conducted by the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE) on 16 December 2009 at the Paris-based premises of the think tank ‘Notre Europe’, of which Jacques Delors is the founding director. The interview was conducted by Étienne Deschamps, a Researcher at the CVCE, and particularly focuses on the following subjects: the origins of Delors’s interest in European integration, the influence of the personalist movement, the National Planning Board, Jacques Chaban-Delmas, social dialogue and ‘New Society’, Delors’s early experience in the European Communities and role as Member of the European Parliament, and European political parties.
Interview with Jacques Delors — Part 3 — Jacques Delors, President of the European Commission from 1985 to 1995 (Paris, 16 December 2009) (length: 00:48:41)
VideoInterview with Jacques Delors, President of the Commission of the European Communities from 1985 to 1995, conducted by the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE) on 16 December 2009 at the Paris-based premises of the think tank ‘Notre Europe’, of which Jacques Delors is the founding director. The interview, conducted by Hervé Bribosia, Research Coordinator at the CVCE, particularly focuses on the following subjects: Delors’s appointment as President of the European Commission, the Single European Act, the accession of Spain and Portugal to the European Communities, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the negotiations on the Maastricht Treaty, the subsidiarity principle, the work of the ‘Delors Committee’ on Economic and Monetary Union, the coordination of economic policies and the 1993 White Paper, the non-participation of some Member States in the single currency, the ‘Delors Packages’, a review of the Delors Commission and the Delors method.