VISCO (Ignazio)

Born on 21 November 1949 in Naples (I)
Nationality: Italian
Economist and Senior Economist at the Bank of Italy (1972–1980)
Division Chief in the Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy Department of the Bank of Italy (1981–1983)
Deputy Head of the Structural Economic Analysis Department of the Bank of Italy (1984–1988)
Head of the Structural Economic Analysis Department of the Bank of Italy (1988–1990)
Director of the Research Department of the Bank of Italy (1990–1997)
Central Manager for International Affairs at the Bank of Italy (2004–2006)
Central Manager for Economic Research at the Bank of Italy (2006)
Member of the Governing Board and Deputy Director General of the Bank of Italy (2007–2011)
Governor of the Bank of Italy (since 2011)