Items per page 25 25 50 100 Consult Share Twitter Facebook Email Interview with Colin Cameron (Paris, 23 September 2009) — Excerpt: relations between the WEU Assembly and the WEU Secretary-General Video In this interview, Colin Cameron, Secretary-General of the Assembly of Western European Union (WEU), discusses the drop in attendance at the WEU Assembly by Javier Solana, WEU Secretary-General, for various reasons.
Consult Share Twitter Facebook Email Interview with Colin Cameron (Paris, 23 September 2009) — Excerpt: relations between the WEU Assembly and the WEU Secretary-General Video In this interview, Colin Cameron, Secretary-General of the Assembly of Western European Union (WEU), discusses the drop in attendance at the WEU Assembly by Javier Solana, WEU Secretary-General, for various reasons.