In this interview, Colin Cameron, Secretary-General of the Assembly of Western European Union (WEU), discusses the personal interests that led him to join the Royal Navy and recalls his first postings.
In this interview, Colin Cameron, Secretary-General of the Assembly of Western European Union (WEU), describes the role of the Defence Committee, the Political Committee, and the Committee for Parliamentary and Public Relations within the WEU Assembly.
In this interview, Colin Cameron, Secretary-General of the Assembly of Western European Union (WEU), mentions the main tasks of the Deputy Secretary-General and Secretary-General of the WEU Assembly, in particular vis-à-vis the President of the Assembly, and emphasises the task of budget management.
In this interview, Colin Cameron, Secretary-General of the Assembly of Western European Union (WEU), discusses the advantages afforded by the study of war for the adoption of specific measures, for example during the Iran–Iraq conflict, the Gulf War, and the events of Tiananmen.