Interview with Jacques Santer: the implications and the objectives of the European Convention (Sanem, 3 May 2006)
VideoIn this interview, Jacques Santer, former Luxembourg Prime Minister and former President of the European Commission, recalls the reasons that led the Twelve to establish, in December 2001, the European Convention, in which he took part from February 2002 to June 2003 in his capacity as Personal Representative of the Luxembourg Prime Minister, Jean-Claude Juncker.
Interview with Jacques Santer: the Benelux position during the work of the European Convention (Sanem, 3 May 2006)
VideoIn this interview, Jacques Santer, former member of the European Convention in his capacity as Personal Representative of the Luxembourg Prime Minister, Jean-Claude Juncker, outlines the role of ‘go-between’ played by the three Benelux countries, in particular during the disagreements between Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, President of the European Convention, and certain small Member States on the institutional implications of the future Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe.
Interview with Jacques Santer: the French and Dutch rejection of the Constitutional Treaty (Sanem, 3 May 2006)
VideoIn this interview, Jacques Santer, former member of the European Convention in his capacity as Personal Representative of the Luxembourg Prime Minster, Jean-Claude Juncker, analyses the negative results of the referenda held in spring 2005 in France and the Netherlands on the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe.