Relations with the European Communities

Ergebnisse pro Seite

Relations with the ECSC

The Agreement between Austria and the ECSC (8 May 1956)

Relations with the EAEC

Application for association with the EEC (12 December 1961)

Application for association with the EEC (12 December 1961)

Exploratory talks (4 July – 6 November 1963)

Austria goes solo: the first phase of the negotiations (19.3.1965–4.2.1966)

Austria goes solo: the second phase of the negotiations (13.12.1966–2.2.1967)

Austria goes solo: the second phase of the negotiations (13.12.1966–2.2.1967)

Towards the free trade agreements of 22 July 1972

The signing of the free trade agreements of 22 July 1972

Austria and the EC following the signing of the free trade agreements