On 9 March 1979, in anticipation of the entry into force of the European Monetary System (EMS) four days later, the French daily newspaper Le Monde lists the key financial measures which accompany the EMS.
On 29–30 September 1979, six months after the introduction of the European Monetary System (EMS), the Conservative daily newspaper La Libre Belgique carries out an initial review of the EMS and considers its ability to tackle the crises afflicting the global economy.
On 17 April 1980, the European Parliament reiterates the main objectives of the European Monetary System (EMS) and emphasises the importance of effective coordination of the Nine’s economic policies at Community level.
In his editorial of 2-3 February 1981, Emanuele Gazzo, Director-General of Agence Europe, considers the conditions required for the smooth operation of the EMS in connection with the dollar and of speculative operations.
On 25 September 1981, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Director-General of Economic and Financial Affairs at the European Commission, reveals to the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Great Britain, in London, the difficulties posed by the entry of the pound sterling into the European monetary system (EMS).
In his editorial of 5 and 6 October 1981, Emanuele Gazzo, Director-General of Agence Europe, welcomes the latest readjustment of parities within the European monetary system (EMS) and attempts to determine its impact.
On 20 May 1983, the French daily newspaper Le Monde publishes an article by former French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing in which he proposes a draft joint communiqué to the countries participating in the forthcoming G7 Summit in Williamsburg. His proposal outlines the future measures to be taken to respond effectively to the economic crisis and improve international monetary relations.
On 20 May 1983, the French daily newspaper Le Monde outlines the main points of the draft joint text for a global economic recovery proposed by the US Administration. The text takes into account the respective positions of the six other participating countries (the Federal Republic of Germany, Canada, France, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at the G7 Summit due to be held in Williamsburg from 28 to 30 May 1983.
On 21 May 1983, the French daily newspaper Le Monde publishes an article by former French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing in which he calls on the participants in the forthcoming G7 Summit — due to be held in Williamsburg, United States, from 28 to 30 May 1983 — to reflect on the need to hold a new Bretton Woods monetary conference so that action can be taken on the two most pressing monetary issues: exchange rate stability and international debt.
In the March 1984 edition of the monthly publication 30 jours d’Europe, François-Xavier Ortoli, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, assesses the first five years of the European Monetary System (EMS) and calls, in particular, for the completion of a large Community financial market.
Am 13. März 1989 zieht der Präsident der Europäischen Kommission Jacques Delors in der belgischen Tageszeitung Le Soir eine Bilanz der zehnjährigen Geschichte des Europäischen Währungssystems (EWS).