Specific agreement on the legislative process laid down in Annex I of the framework agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the Commission.
Statement of 15 July 1998 by the Commission concerning its role in the progressive establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice, and in particular its right to propose legislation following the new provisions of the Amsterdam Treaty.
Press release dated 20 July 2001, following the adoption of a first Directive on asylum. This communiqué also mentions other Commission initiatives regarding asylum. Following the Amsterdam reform, provisions concerning 'visas, asylum, immigration and other policies related to free movement of persons' have been 'communitarised' - transferred from the third to the first pillar - and the Commission has been credited with a power of initiative in this field.
In its communication of 2 December 1992, the Commission sets out the minimum requirements to be taken into account by the special interest groups in the establishment of a code of conduct governing relations between these groups and the Commission.
Article from the monthly publication Communauté européenne in October 1964 shedding light on the identity of pressure groups — or lobbies — and their relationship with the Commission.