Accession to the European Union
The preparatory phase to the application for accession
Motion for a resolution on Austria’s European policy (Vienna, 16 December 1985)
TextOn 16 December 1985, the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) submits to the Austrian Parliament a motion for a resolution in which it calls for enhanced cooperation between Austria and the European Communities.
Government statement by Franz Vranitzky: extract concerning European policy (Vienna, 28 January 1987)
TextOn 28 January 1987, in a government statement to the Austrian Parliament, the Austrian Chancellor, Franz Vranitzky, emphasises the importance which the coalition Government, composed of the Socialist Party of Austria (SPÖ) and the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), attaches to the policy of European integration.
Franz Vranitzky, Political Memories
TextIn his memoirs, Franz Vranitzky, former Austrian Chancellor, refers to his visit to the Soviet Union in October 1988 with a view to securing from the Soviet leaders the diplomatic green light which will enable Austria to open negotiations for accession to the European Communities.
‘Step by step' from Die Zeit (March 1988)
TextIn March 1988, the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit considers the advantages and disadvantages of Austria’s possible accession to the European Communities.
Cartoon by Geisen on Austria’s accession to the EEC (1988)
Image‘If we board, it will be with our boat.’ In 1988, the Swiss cartoonist, Hans Geisen, illustrates the difficulties involved in Austria’s accession to the European Communities, in particular because of its neutral status.
Peter Jankowitsch, Austria and Europe (1988)
TextIn 1988, Peter Jankowitsch, former Austrian Foreign Minister, sets out a number of Social-Democratic principles regarding future relations between Austria and the European Communities.
Report by the Austrian Foreign Ministry on permanent neutrality (21 November 1988)
TextOn 21 November 1988, the Austrian Foreign Ministry publishes a study which deems that Austria’s accession to the European Communities is compatible with the country’s permanent neutral status.
Report by Franz Vranitzky on Austria in Europe forwarded to the SPÖ Executive Committee (3 April 1989)
TextOn 3 April 1989, Franz Vranitzky, Leader of the Socialist Party of Austria (SPÖ), forwards to the Party’s Executive Committee a report in which he sets out his opinion on the position that should be taken by Austria with regard to the decision of the Twelve to establish the single internal market in 1992.
Agreement between the SPÖ and the ÖVP on European policy (Vienna, 26 June 1989)
TextOn 26 June 1989, the Socialist Party of Austria (SPÖ) and the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) sign an agreement with a view to ensuring concerted action in the area of European integration policy.
Report by the Austrian Government on relations between Austria and the European Communities: extract concerning the internal market and neutrality (1989)
TextIn 1989, in a report on the future relationship between Austria and the European Communities, the coalition Government, composed of the Socialist Party of Austria (SPÖ) and the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), outlines its decision to participate fully in European integration and to apply for accession to the European Communities.
Promotional film produced by the Federation of Austrian Industry in support of Austria’s accession to the EC (1988)
VideoIn 1988, one year before Austria’s official application for accession to the European Communities, the Federation of Austrian Industry (VÖI) produces a film which highlights the benefits that accession would bring to the Austrian industrial and business sector.
Interview with Manfred Scheich: Austria’s European integration policy from 1987 onwards (Hildesheim, 2 November 2009)
VideoIn this interview, Manfred Scheich, Head of the Austrian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Economic Policy and Integration and chief negotiator for the diplomatic negotiations on the country’s accession to the European Union from 1987 to 1995, describes the aims of the new European integration policy pursued by Austria from 1987 onwards. He particularly explains the concept of a global approach, which underpinned this policy until Austria joined the European Union in 1995.
Interview with Manfred Scheich: the reinterpretation of Austria’s neutrality from 1987 onwards(Hildesheim, 2 November 2009)
VideoIn this interview, Manfred Scheich, Head of the Austrian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Economic Policy and Integration and chief negotiator for the diplomatic negotiations on the country’s accession to the European Union from 1987 to 1995, explains how the question of Austria’s neutrality was re-examined during the work conducted to analyse the establishment of closer relations between Austria and the European Communities.
Interview with Manfred Scheich: the incompatibility between Austrian neutrality and accession to the European Communities (Hildesheim, 2 November 2009)
VideoIn this interview, Manfred Scheich, Austrian Ambassador to the European Communities from 1983 to 1986, gives the Austrian authorities’ interpretation of the country’s neutral status, and explains how this interpretation was incompatible with accession to the European Communities.
Interview with Manfred Scheich: reactions in Moscow to Austria’s rapprochement with the European Communities (Hildesheim, 2 November 2009)
VideoIn this interview, Manfred Scheich, Head of the Austrian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Economic Policy and Integration and chief negotiator for the diplomatic negotiations on the country’s accession to the European Union from 1987 to 1995, describes how the Soviet authorities reacted to Austria’s wish to join the European Communities.
Interview with Manfred Scheich: the reaction of the EFTA countries to the rapprochement between Austria and the European Communities (Hildesheim, 2 November 2009)
VideoIn this interview, Manfred Scheich, Head of the Austrian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Economic Policy and Integration and chief negotiator for the diplomatic negotiations on the country’s accession to the European Union from 1987 to 1995, describes how the countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) reacted to Austria’s wish to join the European Communities.
Interview with Manfred Scheich: the reaction of the European Communities to the rapprochement with Austria (Hildesheim, 2 November 2009)
VideoIn this interview, Manfred Scheich, Head of the Austrian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Economic Policy and Integration and chief negotiator for the diplomatic negotiations on the country’s accession to the European Union from 1987 to 1995, describes how the European Communities reacted to Austria’s wish to join the organisation.
The stance taken by parties and interest groups during the preparatory phase
Position of the Federation of Austrian Industrialists on European integration (Vienna, 1987)
TextIn 1987, the Federation of Austrian Industrialists (VÖI) publishes a pamphlet in which it calls for Austria’s accession to the European Communities.
Motion for a resolution tabled by the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) on the opening of accession negotiations with the European Communities (27 November 1987)
TextOn 27 November 1987, the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) tables a draft resolution to the National Council which calls for the opening of negotiations for Austria’s accession to the European Communities.
Pamphlet published by the Communist Party of Austria on Austria’s accession to the European Communities (1988)
TextIn 1988, the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) issues a pamphlet in which it highlights the dangers for Austria of accession to the European Communities (EC).
Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) manifesto on Europe (23 May 1988)
TextOn 23 May 1988, the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) publishes a manifesto on Europe in which it emphasises Austria’s European credentials and declares its support for the country’s accession to the European Communities.
Memorandum on Europe from the Austrian Trade Union Federation (6 December 1988)
TextOn 6 December 1988, the Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB) publishes a memorandum in which it declares its support for the steps taken by the Austrian Government with a view to pursuing a more active European integration policy.
Statement by Freda Blau-Meissner on Austria’s integration policy (23 March 1988)
TextOn 23 March 1988, Freda Blau-Meissner, leader of the Green Party parliamentary group in the Austrian National Council, warns against the dangers for Austria of accession to the European Union.
Manifesto on Europe of the Green Alternative (19 February 1989)
TextIn February 1989, following its conference on Europe held in Innsbruck, the Austrian Green Alternative Party issues a manifesto in which it sets out its arguments against Austria’s accession to the European Union.
Posters published by the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) opposing Austria’s accession to the European Communities (1989)
TextIn 1989, the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) expresses its opposition to Austria's accession to the European Communities.
The stance taken by parties and interest groups during the preparatory phase
Stance taken by the social partners in Austria: Austria and European integration (1 March 1989)
TextOn 1 March 1989, the four Austrian social partners publish a joint statement of views on Austria’s European policy. They emphasise the importance for Austria of taking part in the European integration process in order to safeguard the country’s economic and social achievements.
Stance taken by the Austrian Chamber of Labour on Europe (January 1989)
TextIn January 1989, the Austrian Chamber of Labour publishes a statement in which it reaffirms its support for the steps taken by the Government with a view to the country’s accession to the European Communities.
Austria’s application for accession (14 July 1989)
Statement by Alois Mock on relations between Austria and the European Communities (29 June 1989)
TextOn 29 June 1989, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, outlines to the Members of the National Council the advantages for Austria of full accession to the European Communities.
Resolution of the National Council on relations between Austria and the European Communities (Vienna, 29 June 1989)
TextOn 29 June 1989, the Austrian National Council adopts a resolution which establishes a clear framework for the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the European Communities.
Austria's application for accession to the EEC (14 July 1989)
TextOn 14 July 1989, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, sends a letter to Roland Dumas, French Foreign Minister and President-in-Office of the Council of the European Communities, in which Austria officially submits its application for accession to the European Communities.
Cartoon by Behrendt on Austria’s application for accession to the European Communities (15 July 1989)
Image‘Everyone is heading for Brussels.’ On 15 July 1989, the day after the submission of Austria’s application for accession to the European Communities, the cartoonist, Fritz Behrendt, illustrates the snowball effect of Austria’s application for accession on all the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEECs).
Alois Mock submits Austria’s application for accession (17 July 1989)
ImageOn 17 July 1989, in Brussels, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, presents Austria’s official application for accession to the European Communities to Roland Dumas, French Foreign Minister and President-in-Office of the Council of the European Communities.
Cartoon by Ironimus on Austria’s accession to the European Communities (1989)
Image‘The EC marathon.’ In 1989, the Austrian cartoonist, Ironimus, portrays Austria’s possible accession to the European Communities as an obstacle course.
Interview with Manfred Scheich: the particularities of Austria’s application for accession to the European Communities (Hildesheim, 2 November 2009)
VideoIn this interview, Manfred Scheich, Head of the Austrian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Economic Policy and Integration and chief negotiator for the diplomatic negotiations on the country’s accession to the European Union from 1987 to 1995, discusses the particularities of Austria’s official application for accession to the European Communities in July 1987, particularly with regard to the country’s neutral status.
The run-up to accession negotiations (1990–1993)
Address given by Karel Smolle on Austria’s foreign policy with regard to Europe (4 July 1990)
TextOn 4 July 1990, during debates held in the National Council, Karel Smolle, Member of the Austrian Green Alternative Party, criticises the government's European policy for focusing on Austria's accession to the European Communities.
Cartoon by Ironimus on the negotiations for Austria's accession to the EC (1990)
Image‘EC Treaty — State Treaty: Equilibrist’. In 1990, the Austrian cartoonist, Ironimus, illustrates the efforts made by Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, to reconcile Austria’s neutral status as defined in the 1955 State Treaty with the country’s wish to accede to the European Union.
Third report by the Federal Government on the state of Austria’s integration policy (Vienna, 3 February 1991)
TextOn 3 February 1991, the Austrian Government draws up a detailed report on Austria’s European policy.
Urgent parliamentary question tabled by the Austrian Green Alternative Party on the transit of goods by road (14 March 1991)
TextOn 14 March 1991, the Austrian Green Alternative Party tables an urgent parliamentary question to Franz Vranitzky, Federal Chancellor, on the Austrian Government’s stance towards the Community demands concerning the transit of goods by road in the Austrian Alps.
Statement by Alois Mock on Austria’s application for accession (16 July 1991)
TextOn 16 July 1991, two years after the submission of Austria’s application for accession to the European Communities and in the light of recent political events in Central Europe, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, emphasises the importance of European integration for his country.
Diagram on the transportation of goods across the Brenner Pass (1990–2004)
TextGraph showing trends, between 1990 and 2004, in road transport across the Brenner Pass in the Alps which links Austria and Italy.
Commission opinion on Austria's application for membership (31 July 1991)
TextOn 31 July 1991, the European Commission issues a detailed and favourable opinion on Austria’s application for accession to the European Communities on the basis, in particular, of an assessment of the country’s economic situation.
‘The long road to Brussels’ from Die Presse (2 August 1991)
TextOn 2 August 1991, commenting on the European Commission’s approval of Austria’s application for accession to the European Communities, the Vienna daily newspaper Die Presse outlines the implications of European integration for Austria.
Aide-mémoire from the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs (November 1991)
TextIn November 1991, the Austrian Foreign Ministry sends an aide-mémoire to the Twelve in which it welcomes the favourable opinion from the European Commission regarding Austria’s application for accession to the European Communities.
Wolfgang Schüssel, Austria — a European heartland on the road to full integration
TextIn 1991, Wolfgang Schüssel, Austrian Foreign Minister and President-in-Office of the Council of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), outlines why the progress made in European integration offers new options for Europe’s political and economic future.
‘Euroscepticism reaches Austria’ from Le Monde (25 February 1992)
TextOn 25 February 1992, the French daily newspaper Le Monde outlines the arguments put forward by the opponents to Austria’s accession to the European Union.
Demonstration against Austria’s accession to the EU (1 May 1992)
ImageOn 1 May 1992, people opposed to Austria’s accession to the European Union demonstrate in the streets of Vienna.
Demonstration in the streets of Vienna against Austria’s accession to the EU (1 May 1992)
ImageOn 1 May 1992, some 400 people take to the streets of Vienna to demonstrate against Austria’s accession to the European Union.
Demonstration against Austria’s accession to the EU (Vienna, 1 May 1992)
ImageOn 1 May 1992, on the margins of the demonstrations organised by the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ), opponents of Austria’s accession to the European Union (EU) unfurl a banner on the front of the City Hall in Vienna.
Dissatisfaction of the Austrian Greens regarding the Transit Agreement between Austria and the EU (Vienna, 12 May 1992)
ImageOn 12 May 1992, the Austrian Green Alternative refers a motion of censure to the Austrian Chancellor, Franz Vranitzky, against the Transit Agreement between Austria and the European Union. In this photo, Rudi Anschober, Green MP, displays the Austrian flag soiled with tyre tracks, watched by the Chancellor, Franz Vranitzky (left), and the Minister for Transport, Victor Klima (right).
Alois Mock replying to telephone questions on the EU (Vienna, 20 November 1992)
ImageIn order to ensure that citizens are kept well informed about the implications of Austria’s accession to the European Union (EU), the Austrian Government sets up a free-phone number. On 14 December 1992, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, replies personally to the questions submitted.
The run-up to accession negotiations (1990–1993)
Conclusions of the Edinburgh European Council: extract concerning the accession of new Member States to the European Union (11 and 12 December 1992)
TextAt the end of the Edinburgh European Council, held on 11 and 12 December 1992, the Twelve adopt a series of measures relating to the opening of accession negotiations between Austria, Sweden, Finland and Norway and the European Union.
Statement by Franz Vranitzky to the National Council (Vienna, 14 December 1992)
TextOn 14 December 1992, the Austrian Federal Chancellor, Franz Vranitzky, delivers an address to the National Council in Vienna in which he welcomes the decisions taken by the Twelve at the Edinburgh European Council with particular regard to the opening of negotiations for Austria's accession to the European Communities.
Statement by Alois Mock to the National Council (Vienna, 14 December 1992)
TextOn 14 December 1992, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, delivers an address to the National Council in which he welcomes the conclusions of the Edinburgh European Council which signal a decisive step in the process of Austria’s accession to the European Communities.
Accession negotiations and discussions in Austria (1993–1994)
Statement by the Austrian Government on the accession negotiations (Vienna, 21 January 1993)
TextOn 21 January 1993, the Austrian Government outlines its political and economic position before the opening of the negotiations for the country's accession to the European Union, due to begin on 1 February 1993.
‘The enlargement of the Community to include the EFTA countries' from the Politique étrangère (Spring 1993)
TextIn the spring of 1993, in an article for Politique étrangère, a magazine produced by the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), Paul Luif, Member of the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (ÖIIP), outlines the reasons which have prompted Austria, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland to apply for accession to the European Union and considers the economic, political and strategic implications of the future accession negotiations.
Poster by the extreme left-wing student movement against Austria’s accession to the EU (1993)
TextIn 1993, the extreme left-wing Austrian student movement Revolutionsbräuhof (RBH) condemns Austria’s accession to the European Union.
Statement by Alois Mock at the opening of the accession negotiations (1 February 1993)
TextOn 1 February 1993, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, welcomes the opening, in Brussels, of the negotiations for the accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden to the European Union.
Environmental questions on accession to the European Communities and replies from the Austrian Government (Vienna, February 1993)
TextIn February 1993, during the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the European Union (EU), the Austrian Government answers some 200 environmental questions from several Austrian environmental organisations.
Cartoon by Ironimus on the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the EU (2 February 1993)
Image‘Mock in Brussels — EC: “… Open up, my darling!”’ On 2 February 1993, the Viennese cartoonist, Ironimus, illustrates the opening, in Brussels, of the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the European Union and portrays the arrival of Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, at the head of the Austrian Delegation.
Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) programme on Europe (9 July 1993)
TextOn 9 July 1993, in its programme on Europe, the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) outlines its conception of Europe and sets out its objectives for the negotiations with the European Union.
Statement by the Austrian Federal States on relations between Austria and the EC (July 1993)
TextIn July 1993, to mark the beginning of accession negotiations with the European Union, the Austrian Federal States reaffirm their support for the Government and call on it to conclude the negotiations as quickly as possible and to enable Austria to accede to the European Union.
Report by the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture and on Austria’s accession to the EU (Vienna, October 1993)
TextIn October 1993, Franz Fischler, Austrian Minister for Agriculture and Forestry, draws up a report on the implications for Austrian agriculture of the country’s accession to the European Union (EU).
‘We cannot cut ourselves off’ from Le Monde (4 November 1993)
TextOn 4 November 1993, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, sets out the reasons prompting Austria to seek to accede to the European Union and outlines the main difficulties surrounding the accession negotiations.
Position of the Federation of Austrian Industrialists on Austria’s accession to the EU (May 1993)
TextIn May 1993, the Federation of Austrian Industrialists outlines the advantages of Austria's possible accession to the European Union and warns of the dangers of the country's isolation with regard to the process of European integration.
Brochure by the Austrian Liberal Party Liberal Forum on Austria’s accession to the EU (1994)
TextIn 1994, the Austrian Liberal Party Liberales Forum publishes a brochure in which it outlines the arguments in favour of Austria's accession to the European Union (EU).
Interview with Manfred Scheich: the main chapters in the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the European Union (Hildesheim, 2 November 2009)
VideoIn this interview, Manfred Scheich, Head of the Austrian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Economic Policy and Integration and chief negotiator for the diplomatic negotiations on the country’s accession to the European Union from 1987 to 1995, describes the main chapters tackled during the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the European Union, which started in 1993.
The end of the negotiations and the accession procedure (1994)
Conclusion of the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the EU (Brussels, 1 March 1994)
ImageOn 1 March 1994, in Brussels, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, receives warm applause for having led the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the European Union (EU) to a successful conclusion.
Alois Mock and Dr Erhard Busek after the negotiations for the accession of Austria (Vienna, 2 March 1994)
ImageOn 2 March 1994, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, and Erhard Busek, Federal Vice-Chancellor and leader of the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), make a triumphant return to Vienna Airport after the success of the negotiations held in Brussels for Austria’s accession to the European Union.
Statement by Alois Mock on the conclusion of the negotiations for accession to the EU (Vienna, 2 March 1994)
TextOn 2 March 1994, addressing the National Council in Vienna, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, welcomes the outcome of the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the European Union (EU).
Address given by Franz Vranitzky to the National Council (Vienna, 2 March 1994)
Audio extractOn 2 March 1994, in Vienna, Franz Vranitzky, Austrian Federal Chancellor, delivers an address to the National Council in which he welcomes the success, the previous day in Brussels, of the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the European Union.
Address given by Alois Mock to the National Council (Vienna, 2 March 1994)
Audio extractOn 2 March 1994, in Vienna, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, delivers an address to the National Council in which he welcomes the success, the previous day in Brussels, of the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the European Union.
Address given by Jörg Haider to the National Council (Vienna, 2 March 1994)
Audio extractOn 2 March 1994, in Vienna, Jörg Haider, MP and leader of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), delivers an address to the National Council in which he warns Austria of the dangers involved in accession to the European Union.
The culmination of the accession negotiations: reactions (Vienna, 2 March 1994)
VideoOn 2 March 1994, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, Franz Vranitzky, Austrian Federal Chancellor, and Erhard Busek, Federal Vice-Chancellor and Leader of the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), give their reactions to the successful outcome of the negotiations held in Brussels for Austria’s accession to the European Union.
Report by the Federal Government on the outcome of the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the EU (Vienna, 16 March 1994)
TextOn 16 March 1994, the Austrian Government draws up a report on the outcome of the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the European Union.
Franz Fischler, To the Centre of Europe
TextIn his political memoirs, Franz Fischler, former Austrian Minister for Agriculture and Forestry and, in this capacity, member of the Austrian Delegation to the negotiations for Austria’s accession to the European Union, refers to the prevailing atmosphere during the negotiations in Brussels and summarises the results that were achieved.
The end of the negotiations and the accession procedure (1994)
Agreement on Europe between the SPÖ and the ÖVP (22 April 1994)
TextOn 22 April 1994, the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) and the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) sign an agreement on Europe which, in particular, sets out in detail the socio-political measures to be implemented and focuses on agricultural and transport issues.
Commission Opinion on the applications for accession to the European Union by Austria, Finland, Norway and Sweden (19 April 1994)
TextOn 19 April 1994, the Commission of the European Communities delivers a favourable opinion on the accession of Austria, Finland, Norway and Sweden to the European Union.
European Parliament legislative resolution on Austria’s application for accession to the EU (4 May 1994)
TextOn 4 May 1994, the European Parliament adopts four legislative resolutions in order to give its assent to the applications submitted by Norway, Austria, Finland and Sweden for accession to the European Union. This is the legislative resolution on Austria's application for accession.
Address given by Alois Mock on the importance of the European Union for peace in Europe (1994)
VideoIn this film, produced in 1994, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, discusses the history and the importance of the European integration process.
Decision of the Council of the EU on the admission of Norway, Austria, Finland and Sweden to the European Union (16 May 1994)
TextOn 16 May 1994, the Council of the European Union agrees to the accession of Norway, Austria, Finland and Sweden to the European Union.
Address given by Franz Vranitzky on the pursuit of Austria’s European integration policy (Vienna, 14 July 1994)
TextOn 14 July 1994, following the positive outcome of the referendum held on 12 June in Austria on the country’s accession to the European Union, the Austrian Chancellor, Fritz Vranitzky, returns before the Austrian Parliament to answer questions on Austria’s European policy on the signing of the Treaty of Accession in Corfu on 24 June and sets out the Government’s plans with a view to the drafting of a White Paper to define the priority areas of European policy.
Note from Andreas Khol on the new priorities of Austria’s foreign policy (31 August 1994)
TextOn 31 August 1994, Andreas Khol, Leader of the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), forwards a note to the members of the Party’s Europe Committee on the new priorities of Austria’s foreign policy following its accession to the European Union on 1 January 1995.
Written parliamentary question to Alois Mock on the procedure for the ratification of the Accession Treaty (Vienna, 25 September 1994)
TextOn 25 September 1994, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, answers a written parliamentary question on the stage reached in the procedure for ratification of Austria’s Treaty of Accession to the European Union.
Statement by Alois Mock on parliamentary approval of the Treaty of Accession to the EU (Vienna, 17 November 1994)
TextOn 17 November 1994, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, describes the implications of Austria’s accession to the European Union and hopes for the rapid parliamentary approval of the Accession Treaty.
Address given by Alois Mock on Austria’s accession to the European Union (17 January 1995)
TextOn 17 January 1995, following Austria’s accession to the European Union, Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, outlines to the Austrian Parliament the new basis for the country’s foreign policy.
The campaign in preparation for the referendum of 12 June 1994
Cartoon by Ironimus on the Austrian referendum (15 April 1994)
Image‘Currying favour with the citizen.' On 15 April 1994, in the Vienna-based daily newspaper Die Presse, the Austrian cartoonist, Ironimus, portrays the efforts being made by the Austrian Chancellor, Franz Vranitzky, to encourage his fellow citizens to vote ‘Yes' in the referendum to be held on 12 June 1994 on Austria's accession to the European Union.
Series of posters by the Austrian Chambers of Commerce promoting the accession of Austria to the EU (1994)
TextIn 1994, the Austrian Chambers of Commerce publish a series of posters illustrating the advantages of Austria’s accession to the European Union and provide a hotline for answers to questions about the European Union and how it works.
Series of posters published by the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) in support of Austria’s accession to the EU (1994)
TextIn 1994, the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) publishes a series of posters calling on Austrians to vote ‘Yes’ in the referendum, scheduled for 12 June 1994, on the country’s accession to the European Union.
Series of posters by the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) in support of Austria’s accession to the EU (1994–1995)
TextIn 1994 and 1995, the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) publishes a series of posters in support of that country’s accession to the European Union.
Series of posters published by the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) opposing Austria’s accession to the EU (1994)
TextIn 1994, the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) publishes a series of posters calling on Austrians to vote ‘No’ in the referendum, scheduled for 12 June 1994, on the country’s accession to the European Union.
Series of inserts published by the independent Action Committee, ‘Future of Austria’, opposing Austria’s accession to the EU (June 1994)
TextOn 6, 10 and 11 June 1994, the independent Action Committee, ‘Future of Austria’, publishes a series of inserts in the Vienna tabloid daily newspaper Neue Kronen Zeitung calling on Austrians to vote against the country’s accession to the European Union.
Poster published by the Austrian Trade Union Federation in support of Austria’s accession to the EU (1994)
TextIn 1994, the Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB) publishes this poster in support of Austria’s accession to the European Union (EU).
Poster published by the Federal Government to mark the referendum on Austria’s accession to the EU (1994)
TextIn 1994, the Austrian Federal Government publishes this poster to mark the referendum on Austria’s accession to the European Union (EU).
Information campaign in support of Austria’s accession to the EU (June 1994)
TextIn June 1994, the Vienna tabloid daily newspaper Neue Kronen Zeitung publishes an information campaign conducted by the Austrian Federal Government which calls on Austrian citizens to vote in favour of Austria’s accession to the European Union in the national referendum due to be held on 12 June 1994.
‘Fear of a second Anschluß’ from Die Zeit (10 June 1994)
TextOn 10 June 1994, the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit analyses the implications of the referendum due to be held on 12 June in Austria on the country’s accession to the European Union.
‘The “Yes” that comes from the heart’ from Die Presse (11 June 1994)
TextOn 11 June 1994, on the eve of the referendum to be held in Austria on the country’s accession to the European Union, the Vienna-based daily newspaper Die Presse calls on the Austrian people to vote for accession.
Promotional insert in support of Austria’s accession to the EU (11 June 1994)
TextOn 11 June 1994, on the eve of the referendum on Austria’s accession to the European Union, the Vienna tabloid daily newspaper Neue Kronen Zeitung publishes a promotional insert from the Austrian delicatessen company Wein & Co which praises the positive effects that the country’s accession to the EU will have on the sale price of its wines.
The referendum and the signing of the Treaty of Accession (June 1994)
Results of the referendum held in Austria on its accession to the European Union (12 June 1994)
TableOn 12 June 1994, Austrians vote for their country’s accession to the European Union with a majority of 66,6% in favour. This table gives details of the results in the various regions of the country.
Reactions of Franz Vranitzky and Erhard Busek in the National Council (Vienna, 12 June 1994)
Audio extractOn 12 June 1994, in the National Council in Vienna, Franz Vranitzky, Austrian Federal Chancellor and leader of the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ), and Erhard Busek, Federal Vice-Chancellor and leader of the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), welcome the victory of the ‘Yes’ vote in the Austrian referendum on accession to the European Union.
Statement by Franz Vranitzky on the outcome of the referendum in Austria (14 June 1994)
TextOn 14 June 1994, the Vienna tabloid daily newspaper Neue Kronen Zeitung publishes an insert by Franz Vranitzky, Federal Chancellor and Leader of the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ), in which he welcomes the victory of the ‘Yes’ vote in the referendum on the country’s accession to the European Union.
The referendum and the signing of the Treaty of Accession (June 1994)
Press conference held by Franz Vranitzky following the referendum on Austria’s accession to the European Union (12 June 1994)
Audio extractIn a press conference held on 12 June 1994, the Austrian Chancellor, Franz Vranitzky, welcomes the victory of the ‘Yes’ vote in the Austrian referendum on accession to the European Union.
Treaty concerning the accession of Norway, Austria, Finland and Sweden to the European Union (24 June 1994)
TextOn 24 June 1994, in Corfu, the representatives of the Twelve and those of Austria, Finland, Norway and Sweden sign their respective Treaties of Accession to the European Union.
Ceremony to mark the accession of Austria to the European Union (Corfu, 24 June 1994)
VideoOn 24 June 1994, in Corfu, Franz Vranitzky, Federal Chancellor of Austria, and Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, sign Austria’s Treaty of Accession to the European Union. In his address, Thomas Klestil, President of the Republic of Austria, refers to the time-honoured role played by his country in European politics.
Signing of the Treaty of Accession to the European Union by Austria (Corfu, 24 June 1994)
ImageOn 24 June 1994, in Corfu, Franz Vranitzky, Chancellor of Austria, signs the Treaty of Accession of his country to the European Union. From left to right: Ulrich Stacher, Director-General of the Federal Chancellery (Prime Minister’s Office) in Vienna, Manfred Scheich, Permanent Representative of Austria to the European Union, Franz Vranitzky, Austrian Federal Chancellor, and Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister.
‘And now for reason’ from Die Presse (25 June 1994)
TextOn 25 June 1994, the day after the signing, in Corfu, of Austria’s Treaty of Accession to the European Union, the Vienna daily newspaper Die Presse calls for common sense when it comes to weighing up the future consequences of accession for Austrian national policy.
Address given by Thomas Klestil on the referendum and the signing of Austria’s Treaty of Accession (Zurich, 28 June 1994)
TextOn 28 June 1994, Thomas Klestil, President of the Republic of Austria, delivers an address at the University of Zurich in which he expresses his views on the positive outcome of the referendum held on 12 June in Austria on the country’s accession to the European Union before considering the future of relations between Switzerland and Austria.
Interview with Manfred Scheich: interpretation of the results of the referendum held in Austria on accession to the European Union (Hildesheim, 2 November 2009)
VideoIn this interview, Manfred Scheich, Head of the Austrian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Economic Policy and Integration and chief negotiator for the diplomatic negotiations on the country’s accession to the European Union from 1987 to 1995, interprets the results of the referendum held on 12 June 1994 in Austria on accession to the European Union.