'Schengen on the Moselle goes down in EC history' from the Luxemburger Wort (20 June 1990)

On 20 June 1990, the daily newspaper Luxemburger Wort welcomes the measures to abolish controls on persons at internal borders included in the Additional Protocol to the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 which was signed on 19 June 1990, in Schengen, by the representatives of Belgium, France, the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Luxemburger Wort. Für Wahrheit und Recht. 20.06.1990, n° 141; 143e année. Luxembourg: Imprimerie Saint-Paul. "Moselortschaft Schengen geht in die EG-Geschichte ein", auteur:Joseph Lorent , p. 3-4.

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