Note by the Foreign Office on the expansion of Soviet activity in the Mediterranean (December 1968)

From November to December 1968, in the British House of Commons, MPs raise the question of the expansion of Soviet activity in the Mediterranean. The Foreign Office prepares a series of notes on the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) response to Soviet penetration in the region and highlights the United Kingdom’s position on this issue. This note recalls the communiqué issued after the NATO Ministerial Meeting in Reykjavik in June 1968, which stated that the ministers had given instructions for the study of measures to safeguard the security interests of NATO members in the area and to improve the effectiveness of allied forces there.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). Foreign Office, Western Organisations and Co-ordination Department and Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Western Organisations Department: Registered Files (W and WD Series). WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION (WEU). Defence. Attitudes to Soviet penetration in Mediterranean. 01/01/1968-31/12/1969, FCO 41/535 (Former Reference Dep: WDU 11/10).

Copyright: (c) The National Archives of the United Kingdom

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