Memorandum by Lord Dundee on the supply of defensive missiles to Israel and Arab countries (2 October 1962)

On 2 October 1962, in preparation for a forthcoming Cabinet meeting, Lord Dundee, British Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, issues a note on the supply of defensive ground-to-air missiles to Israel and Arab countries. The document reviews the present state of missile equipment of the Middle East countries, the scope for increasing it and the political and the economic implications of such a decision. This general review should enable the United Kingdom Government to consider the terms in which it might announce its readiness to supply defensive missiles to Middle East countries.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). Cabinet: Memoranda (CP and C Series). C Series. 101-150. Record Type: Memorandum. Former Reference: C (62) 150. Title: Supply of Defensive Missiles to Israel and Arab Countries. Author: Dundee. 02/10/1962, CAB 129/110/50.

Copyright: (c) The National Archives of the United Kingdom

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