Letter from Arthur Michael Palliser to John Percival Waterfield on the question of a French return to WEU (Paris, 25 March 1970)

On 25 March 1970, Arthur Michael Palliser, a Minister at the British Embassy in Paris, sends a letter to John Percival Waterfield, Head of Western Organisations Department at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, in which he gives details about a conversation he had with Philippe Cuvillier, the Assistant Private Secretary of French Foreign Minister Maurice Schumann, on Western European Union (WEU) and a formula that would enable France to return to the organisation.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). Foreign Office, Western Organisations and Co-ordination Department and Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Western Organisations Department: Registered Files (W and WD Series). WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION (WEU). Attitude of France to WEU. 01/01/1970-31/12/1970, FCO 41/720 (Former Reference Dep: WDU 5/2 PART A).

Copyright: (c) The National Archives of the United Kingdom

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