Judgment of the Court of Justice, Köbler, Case C-224/01 (30 September 2003)

In its judgment of 30 September 2003, in Case C-224/01, Köbler, the Court of Justice makes clear that, since, in international law, a State which incurs liability for breach of an international commitment is viewed as a single entity, irrespective of whether the breach which gave rise to the damage is attributable to the legislature, the judiciary or the executive, that principle must apply a fortiori in the Community legal order since all State authorities, including the legislature, are bound, in performing their tasks, to comply with the rules laid down by Community law which directly govern the situation of individuals.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: CVRIA. Case-law: Numerical access to the case-law. [ON-LINE]. [Luxembourg]: Court of Justice of the European Communities, [22.05.2006]. C-224/01. Available on http://curia.eu.int/en/content/juris/index.htm.

Copyright: (c) Court of Justice of the European Union

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