Compte rendu d’une conversation entre Lord Ismay et Jawaharlal Nehru (2 octobre 1947)

Le 2 octobre 1947, lors d’une conversation entre Lord Ismay, conseiller du vice-roi des Indes Lord Mountbatten, et Jawaharlal Nehru, Premier ministre de l’Inde, ce dernier revient notamment sur les conséquences de la partition des Indes britanniques et plus particulièrement sur les troubles survenus au Pendjab et à Junagadh.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Record of a conversation between Lord Ismay and Pandit Nehru on 2nd October, 1947. Great Britain. Dominions Office and Commonwealth Relations Office. 10-02-1947. Aufbewahrt in: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). DO - Records created or inherited by the Dominions Office, and of the Commonwealth Relations and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, Dominions Office and Commonwealth Relations Office: Private Office Papers India and Pakistan. Various memoranda, including a report on the departure of Sir Claude Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief, India; memorandum on aid to Pakistan; report by Lady Mountbatten on situation in India; personal notes by Lord Ismay, Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations; and an appreciation of situation in India and Pakistan by General Scoones, DO 121/69.

Copyright: (c) The National Archives of the United Kingdom

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