Cartoon by Mohr on the consequences of the failure of the European Constitutional Treaty (20 June 2005)

‘She should take a little break!’ On 20 June 2005, German cartoonist Burkhard Mohr illustrates the fears of German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (on the right) over the severe crisis facing the European Union since the negative outcome of the referendums held in France and the Netherlands for the ratification of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. Chancellor Schröder is speculating with his French partner President Chirac (on the left) about the future of various European issues such as funding and enlargement.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: MOHR, Burkhard. "Sie sollte ein Päuschen machen!" dans Das Parlament. 20-27.06.2005, p.1.

Copyright: (c) Burkhard Mohr

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Cartoon by Mohr on the consequences of the failure of the European Constitutional Treaty (20 June 2005)