Cartoon by Hicks on the differences of opinion between France and Germany on European integration (28 September 1968)

‘I thought I made it clear: no women allowed!’ On 28 September 1968, German cartoonist Wolfgang Hicks illustrates the prevailing tensions during the Franco-German talks on 27 and 28 September. French President Charles de Gaulle (on the left) is harshly critical of the foreign policy pursued by the Federal Republic of Germany and rebukes Federal Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger (second from the right) for his accommodating position on the question of EEC enlargement to include the United Kingdom. The German Chancellor is flanked by his Foreign Minister Willy Brandt and Finance Minister Franz Josef Strauß.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: HICKS, Wolfgang. "Ich hatte doch ausdrücklich gebeten: keine Damen!" dans Die Welt. Unabhängige Tageszeitung für Deutschland. Hamburg: Die Welt. 28.09.1968, n°227, p. 2.

Copyright: (c) Hicks (Karikaturist), Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn

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Cartoon by Hicks on the differences of opinion between France and Germany on European integration (28 September 1968)