Cartoon by Hanel on the 10-point programme for the reunification of Germany (1989)

‘National anthem.’ In 1989, German cartoonist Walter Hanel takes an ironic look at the fears of the leaders of the Four Powers — the United States, the United Kingdom, France and the Soviet Union — regarding Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s 10-point programme for the reunification of Germany. From left to right: US President George Bush, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, French President François Mitterrand and First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev. Operating the handle of the barrel organ is German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, accompanied by his Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: HANEL, Walter. Goodbye Genschman, Hanels Porträt einer Ära. Düsseldorf-Wien-New York-Moskau: ECON Verlag GmbH, 1992. ISBN 3-430-13919-8. "Nationalhymne", auteur:Hanel, Walter.

Copyright: (c) Hanel

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Cartoon by Hanel on the 10-point programme for the reunification of Germany (1989)