Address given by Harry S. Truman on the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty (Washington, 4 April 1949)
TonQuelle und Copyright
Quelle: Signature du Pacte atlantique / Harry S. Truman.- Luxembourg: CLT [Prod.], 04.04.1949. CLT-UFA, Luxembourg. - (10:31, Montage, Son original).
CLT-UFA, 45, Boulevard Pierre Frieden, L-1543 Luxembourg.
Photo: Harry S. Truman Library (NLT), Independence, MO, U.S. Highway 24 & Delaware Street. AVC. PHT. (73)3193. ARC Id. 200 163.
Photograph of President Truman signing the document implementing the North Atlantic Treaty at his desk in the Oval Office, as a number of dignitaries look on. Abbie Rowe. Washington: National Park Service, 24/08/1949. Black and White.
Copyright: (c) CLT/UFA
Photo: (c) NARA
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