DH Lab aims and objectives
The Digital Humanities Lab works to build services and tools for the European Research Infrastructure. Together with the data repository and the e-publications, services and tools are one of the core components of the CVCE.eu research infrastructure.
In general, services and tools support the end to end historical research process, from document selection to publication and knowledge transfer activities. They play a significant role in interaction with target audiences outside the academic field, such as the teaching and lifelong learning communities and society at large.
Within the CVCE.eu research infrastructure, services and tools can be classified according to their function within five different areas, as shown in the diagram below.
- Capture and creation: This domain covers tools and services that allow the selection of new source material as well as its aggregation and transformation into digital data or its conversion from one digital format into another. It also covers the creation of new source material, for example through the recording of audio or video material for interviews or the creation of interactive diagrams and maps.
- Data enrichment: Tools and services in this domain allow the linking of digital source material and metadata with external sources, the annotation of source material with additional information (e.g. references to external data sources) as well as the clean-up of metadata and source material.
- Data storage, management and retrieval: Tools and services in this domain facilitate access to digitally stored source materials and metadata. They also provide efficient management and retrieval procedures.
- Analysis: This section covers tools and services that enable the analysis of digital source material and metadata that allow a new perspective on research topics. It is the specific goal of these tools to enable insights that goes beyond what is possible with conventional approaches.
- Dissemination: Tools and services in this domain support the activity of making a variety of ePublications available to the target audiences of CVCE.eu.