In July 1960, the monthly publication Communauté européenne illustrates the state of the motorway network of the Six, together with the infrastructure projects of the Member States of the European Economic Community (EEC).
In its report published in 1962 on the progress made with regard to the implementation of the Treaty of Rome, the European Commission reviews the establishment of the common transport market.
On 26 May 1962, the Italian daily newspaper Corriere della Sera describes the measures proposed by the Six for the implementation of a common European transport policy.
In July 1962, the European Commission publishes a Report on the execution of the Treaty in which it describes the scope of the common transport policy as provided for by the EEC Treaty.
Am 10. Mai 1963 hält Lambert Schaus, Mitglied der Europäischen Kommission, in Antwerpen vor dem jährlichen Konvent des Vlaams Economisch Verbond eine Rede, in der er die Bedeutung einer gemeinsamen Verkehrspolitik innerhalb der EWG hervorhebt.
On 20 September 1966, basing his views on an analysis of the various European Treaties, Lambert Schaus, member of the Commission of the European Economic Communities and former Luxembourg Ambassador to Belgium, reviews the common transport policy.
Lambert Schaus, Member of the Commission of the European Economic Community (EEC) in charge of the Internal Market, Agriculture and Transport (President of the Group) from 10 January 1958 to 9 January 1962.