On 10 May 1950, Count Carlo Sforza, Italian Foreign Minister, expresses his gratitude to Robert Schuman and voices his support for the Franco–German initiative.
On 12 May 1950, the cartoonist of the Italian socialist daily newspaper Avanti criticises the proposal of the French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, which aims to place coal and steel production under joint French and German control, a plan entirely supporting US interests.
On 17 May 1950, the Italian socialist daily newspaper Avanti comments on the Schuman Declaration and discusses the advantages and the risks of pooling Franco–German coal and steel output.
On 22 June 1950, the Italian Socialist daily newspaper Avanti speculates on the possible political and economic implications of the Schuman Plan and identifies the difficulties involved in implementing the French plan.
Am 10. Dezember 1951 hält Alcide de Gasperi, italienischer Ministerpräsident und Außenminister, vor der Beratenden Versammlung des Europarates eine Rede, in der er betont, wie wichtig der politische Wille für den Erfolg des Schuman-Plans ist.