Officially established on 15 and 16 December 1946 in Paris, the Union of European Federalists (UEF) coordinates the activities of some 50 national federalist movements.
Vom 15. bis 22. September 1946 versammeln sich die Anhänger des Föderalismus der 14 europäischen Länder in Hertenstein (Schweiz) zur Annahme einer gemeinsamen Erklärung, die den Weg für eine europäische föderalistische Organisation ebnen soll, aus der schließlich am 15. und 16. Dezember die Union europäischer Föderalisten (UEF) hervorgegangen ist.
In June 1947, Henri Brugmans, Dutch President of the Union of European Federalists (UEF), emphasises the importance of federalism for the economic, political and social reconstruction of Europe.
In May 1947, the Union of European Federalists (UEF) publishes a pamphlet entitled Building Europe which outlines the movement’s principles and objectives: ‘To unite without unifying, to liberate without disrupting, and to coordinate without restraining.’
The National Congress of the French Union of Federalists (UFF), held in Paris on 12 and 13 June 1948, adopts a motion calling for the urgent establishment of a European Parliamentary Assembly.
Im Oktober 1948 mahnt Raymond Silva, Generalsekretär der Union der europäischen Föderalisten, in der französischen Zeitschrift Fédération zur Einheit des europäischen Kontinents und untersucht die britische Haltung angesichts des Vorhabens eines föderalen Europas.
Im November 1948 erläutert der Präsident der Union der europäischen Föderalisten Henri Brugmans in der französischen Zeitschrift Esprit, warum er den Weg des Föderalismus für die Einheit Europas eingeschlagen hat.
Am 16. November 1948 berichtet die deutsche Tageszeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung über die Kritik an den auf dem von der Union Europäischer Föderalisten (UEF) organisierten Kongress geführten Diskussionen, der am 7. November in Rom stattfand.
In December 1948, Bernard Voyenne, Editorial Secretary for the French daily newspaper Combat and federalist activist, considers the ideological disputes which took place during the Congress of the Union of European Federalists (UEF) in Rome and emphasises the importance of the federalist doctrine in the building of a united Europe.
In December 1948, Henri Frenay, President of the Central Committee of the Union of European Federalists (UEF), and Marcel Hytte, militant Socialist and independent federalist, respond to the questionnaire on the concept of Europe which was published by the Belgian monthly magazine Les Cahiers Socialistes.
On 31 October 1949, at its Extraordinary General Meeting in Paris, the Union of European Federalists (UEF) adopts a draft European Federal Unity Pact which it hopes to have adopted by the Council of Europe.
On 31 October 1949, at its Extraordinary General Meeting in Paris, the Union of European Federalists (UEF) decides to launch a public campaign in support of the Federal Pact which it intends to submit to the Council of Europe.
On 15 November 1949, concerned at the slow progress of the European integration process, the Executive Committee of ‘La Fédération’, a founder member of the Union of European Federalists, sets three major priorities with a view to the constitution of a federal Europe.
In December 1949, the French journal Cahiers du Monde Nouveau publishes the transcript of a lecture given in Strasbourg at the session of the European Assembly by Henri Brugmans, President of the Union of European Federalists (UEF), in which he sets out the main thrust of federalist views regarding the future establishment of a united Europe.
In the 1952 issue of La voix fédéraliste, Altiero Spinelli, Secretary-General of the European Federalist Movement, evaluates the work accomplished by the Union of European Federalists (UEF) over the course of the previous year.
In this interview, Jean-Pierre Gouzy, former Secretary-General of the French Union of Federalists and former member of the Federal Committee of the Union of European Federalists (UEF), discusses the objectives and activities of the French Union of Federalists, in particular when debates were being held regarding the European Defence Community (EDC).