Diese Sammlungen bieten eine fundierte Analyse spezifischer Themen zum europäischen Einigungsprozess an.
Spezifische Themen
Geopolitical upheavals in Europe after 1989
This subject file looks at the events that marked the end of the 20th century in Europe. The fall …
From the Messina Conference to the Rome Treaties (EEC and EAEC)
This subject file looks at how, from the autumn of 1954, following the rejection of the EDC by …
The Congress of Europe in The Hague (7–10 May 1948)
The research corpus ‘The Congress of Europe in The Hague (7–10 May 1948)’ outlines the origins, …
Das „deutsch-französische Duo“ und Europa im Spiegel der Karikatur (1945-2013)
Das Themendossier „Das ,deutsch-französische Duo‘ und Europa im Spiegel der Karikatur (1945-2013)“ …
España y el proceso de construcción europea. Los desafíos de la convergencia
El dossier temático ‘España y el proceso de construcción europea. Los desafíos de la convergencia’…
España y la construcción europea. Vectores de convergencia, factores de cohesión y paradigmas cambiantes
El corpus ‘España y el proceso de construcción europea. Vectores de convergencia, factores de …
Decolonisation: geopolitical issues and impact on the European integration process
This subject file focuses on the interactions between the decolonisation process and the European …
The Cold War (1945–1989)
This subject file focuses on the history of the Cold War, a strategic and ideological conflict that…
The post-war European idea and the first European movements (1945–1949)
This subject file describes the actions taken by various European movements to promote European …
Initiative and constraint in the mapping of evolving European borders
The digital research corpus for the Jean Monnet Action project ‘Initiative and constraint in the …
Franco-British diplomatic games and issues within WEU (1954-1982)
The subject file ‘Franco-British games and issues within WEU (1954–1982)’ looks at the diplomatic …
The organisation of post-war defence in Europe (1948–1954)
This subject file looks at the early initiatives taken after the Second World War to establish a …
From the origins of the Schuman Plan to Europe Day
This subject file looks at the declaration by Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister, on 9 May …
Pierre Werner and the European integration process: from the Schuman Plan to the Fontainebleau Summit
This subject file is dedicated to the European vocation and achievements of Pierre Werner (29 …
From the Schuman Plan to the Paris Treaty (1950–1952)
The research corpus ‘From the Schuman Plan to the Paris Treaty (1950–1952)’ looks at the origins …
Portugal and the European integration process
The corpus ‘Portugal and the European integration process’ recounts Portugal’s European adventure, …
The first organisations and cooperative ventures in post-war Europe
This subject file looks at the various diplomatic initiatives adopted in the aftermath of the …
A rereading of the Werner Report of 8 October 1970 in the light of the Pierre Werner family archives
Based on a thorough exploration of the Werner family archives, which have been opened for the first…
Die Symbole der Europäischen Union
French accounts of the European integration process
This research corpus features a series of filmed accounts by eminent French figures together with a…
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
On 18 December 2010, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, one of Italy’s most highly respected economists, died …
The treaties of the European Union: texts, preparatory work and personal accounts
L'Union économique et monétaire: origine, fonctionnement et futur
Le dossier thématique consacré à l’Union économique et monétaire, ses origines, son fonctionnement …
Willy Brandt und die Einigung Europas
Der wissenschaftlichen Korpus „Willy Brandt und die Einigung Europas“ zeichnet die zahlreichen …