Développement de l’infrastructure de recherche sur la construction européenne
Infrastructure de recherche
Le développement de l'infrastructure de recherche CVCE.eu se base sur une approche intégrée et interdisciplinaire combinant études européennes et technologies du numérique.
À la une
The building of the CVCE.eu research infrastructure involves an interdisciplinary approach combining European integration studies (the EIS Department) with digital technologies (the DH Lab). The team is constantly improving the research infrastructure, particularly by:
- the development of novel forms of digital publication, including enhanced publications;
- the implementation of an enriched metadata model to ensure enhanced ease of use, searchability and semantic linking of resources;
- the development of tools and techniques for the (re)presentation, visualisation and exploration of the centre's e-publications (based on XML-TEI, social network analysis, interactive timelines, etc.);
- the development of tools enabling a personalised approach in accordance with user interests and needs.
Find out more about the Digital Humanities Lab