Telegram from Walter Hankinson to the Commonwealth Relations Office on the reaction in Ceylon to the Roem–Van Roijen Agreement (20 July 1949)

Following the Roem–Van Roijen Agreement of 7 May 1949 between the Netherlands and Indonesia, whose provisions include the return of Republican leaders to Yogyakarta to prepare for the transfer of sovereignty, the Government in Ceylon relaxes its policy with regard to the Dutch. In a telegram sent on 20 July 1949 to the Commonwealth Relations Office, Walter Hankinson, Acting UK High Commissioner in Ceylon, announces that the decision has been taken to lift the ban imposed on the entry into Ceylon harbours or airfields of Dutch ships and aircraft.

Source et copyright

Source: HANKINSON, Walter. [Inward telegram to Commonwealth Relations Office from Acting UK High Commissioner in Ceylon (20 July 1949)]. 20-07-1949. No 564. Conservé à: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). CO - Records of the Colonial Office, Commonwealth and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, Empire Marketing Board, and related bodies, CO 537 - Colonial Office and predecessors: Confidential General and Confidential Original Correspondence. Netherlands East Indies: action arising out of hostilities. 01/01/1949-31/12/1949, CO 537/4560.

Copyright: (c) The National Archives of the United Kingdom

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