Statement by Alexandre Parodi on production and standardisation of armaments (Paris, 21 January 1955)

On 21 January 1955, at the third plenary meeting of the working party on production and standardisation of armaments, held at the Palais Chaillot, the French delegate Alexandre Parodi responds to the objections formulated on the French memorandum (see PWG/A/) proposing the creation of an armaments agency within Western European Union. The memorandum was generally poorly received by all except the Italian delegation. Alexandre Parodi sets out the context in which the document was drawn up and explains that the idea is to bring about an adequate standardisation of armaments and an organisation of production aimed at large-scale manufacture. He also explains that his government’s proposals do not call into question the duties carried out by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and outlines the reasons why the Agency would be able to go further than NATO in terms of standardisation. He particularly examines the observations made by the German and Netherlands delegations. Not only highlighting the points on which the German Government is in agreement — namely, the actual aims of the memorandum — but also responding to the concerns raised, he notes that the main difference ultimately lies in the importance given to the principle of competition. Alexandre Parodi closes by noting that the plan for an Agency also applies to the United Kingdom, although it may require special arrangements to take into account the particular position of the British armaments industry.

Source et copyright

Source: Western European Union. Interim Commission. Working Party on Production and Standardisation of Armaments. Third Plenary Meeting held at the Palais de Chaillot on 21st January, 1955 at 3.30 p.m . Paris: 22.01.1955. PWG/CR/2. pp. 1-22; Annex A; Annex B.

Archives nationales de Luxembourg (ANLux). Western European Union Archives. Armament Bodies. CPA/SAC. Comité permanent des armements. File CPA-033. Volume 1/1.

Copyright: (c) WEU Secretariat General - Secrétariat Général UEO

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