Rosa Maria Lastra, The division of responsibilities between the ECB and the NCBs within the ESCB

Rosa Maria Lastra analyses the division of responsibilities between the European Central Bank and the National Central Banks. Whereas responsibility for monetary policy has been transferred to the supranational level, responsibilities in the field of exchange rate policy, prudential supervision and crisis management remain at the national level.

Source et copyright

Source: Jean-Victor Louis & Hajo Bronkhorst. The Euro and European Integration = L'euro et l'intégration européenne. Euro Institute = Institut de l'euro éd. Brussels: P.I.E.-Peter Lang S.A., 1999. 365 p. ISBN 90 5201 912 6 / US 0 8204 4652 1. (coll. Cité européenne - European Policy n° 21). "The Division of Responsibilities between the European Central Bank and the National Central Banks within the European System of Central Banks", auteur:Lastra, Rosa Maria, p. 199-216.

Copyright: (c) P.I.E. - Peter Lang, Bruxelles, 1999.
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