Recommendation 359 of the WEU Assembly on the state of European security (Paris, 2 December 1980)

On 2 December 1980, the Assembly of Western European Union (WEU) adopts Recommendation 359 on the state of European security. The Assembly observes that the nature of the Soviet challenge is no longer exclusively a military threat to Europe but has become a worldwide search for influence, backed by the use of military force, either directly or by proxy. Soviet superiority in tanks and divisions on the central front in Europe is also a cause for concern. The document recommends that the WEU Council urge the member governments to impress on the United States, at the highest level, the need for continuous awareness of the allied dimension of all security issues. It is vital to carry out prior consultation in the North Atlantic Council. The member governments should also maintain and improve their contribution to allied defence by taking particular provisions to enable certain US resources to be devoted to defensive operations outside the NATO area.

Source et copyright

Source: Assembly of Western European Union. ‘Recommendation 359 on the state of European security (Paris, eleventh sitting, 2nd December 1980)’ in Proceedings: Twenty-sixth ordinary session: Second Part, Vol. IV, Minutes: Official Report of Debates. Paris: Assembly of WEU. December 1980, p. 38.

Copyright: (c) WEU Secretariat General - Secrétariat Général UEO

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