Reaction to the press conference held by Charles de Gaulle (RTL, 15 January 1963)

On 14 January 1963, General de Gaulle says ‘no’ to the United Kingdom’s entry into the Common Market. The veto makes the headlines in the British press the following day.

Source et copyright

Source: Réactions conf. de presse de De Gaulle- RTL [Prod.], 15.01.1963. RTL, Paris. - SON (00:03:25, Montage, Son original).

Photo: Ce matin, à Birch Grove, a eu lieu la première entrevue privée Général de Gaulle-Macmillan. Birch Grove: Keystone, 25/11/1961. Noir et blanc.

Copyright: (c) Archives RTL

Photo: (c) Keystone
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Charles de Gaulle and Harold Macmillan (November 1961)