Note from a meeting of the Liaison Sub-Committee on the Joint Production of Armaments (Paris, 30 October 1978)

On 30 October 1978 in Paris, the Liaison Sub-Committee on the Joint Production of Armaments holds a meeting with members of the Standing Armaments Committee (SAC) and the Assembly of Western European Union (WEU). The discussions focus on the SAC’s activities and the future equipment programme of the Member States. Lord Roper, chairman of the meeting and a British Member of Parliament, questions General Cauchie, chairman of the meeting for the SAC, on whether the differences in legal structure in Western Europe can be considered as a cause of obstruction or delay in cooperation between Member States, or whether such obstruction is caused by a lack of political will. In General Cauchie’s view, the SAC can only work within the terms of reference given to it by the Council. With the exception of atomic, biological and chemical weapons, the limits of the WEU agreements do not hinder any collaborative projects.

Source et copyright

Source: Standing Armament Committee. Note of a meeting of the Liaison sub-committee on the joint production of armaments, held at the WEU offices in Paris on 30th October 1978 at 3 p.m. 8p.

Archives nationales de Luxembourg (ANLux). Western European Union Archives. Armament Bodies. CPA/SAC. Comité permanent des armements. File CPA-040. Volume 1/1.

Copyright: (c) WEU Secretariat General - Secrétariat Général UEO

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