Internal note from the Commonwealth Relations Office on the future of the Gold Coast after independence (19 August 1955)

On 19 August 1955, Francis Cumming-Bruce, a British diplomat in the Commonwealth Relations Office, drafts a highly critical internal note on the political and economic future of the Gold Coast after independence. The note examines the various factors that threaten the country’s short-term stability and particularly highlights weaknesses in the existing local administration and political structures. It also looks at the nature of future relations between the United Kingdom and the Gold Coast.

Source et copyright

Source: CUMMING-BRUCE, F.e.. Notes on the future Gold Coast. Scene with special reference to external relations after independence. 19-08-1955. Conservé à: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). DO - Records created or inherited by the Dominions Office, and of the Commonwealth Relations and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, DO 35 - Dominions Office and Commonwealth Relations Office: Original Correspondence. Ghana Department. Gold Coast; internal stability; risk of Soviet penetration after independence, DO 35/6178.

Copyright: (c) The National Archives of the United Kingdom

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