Despatch from the Deputy High Commissioner for the United Kingdom in Ibadan on the economic situation in Western Nigeria (13 March 1961)

On 1 May 1961, the United Kingdom High Commission in Lagos transmits a despatch dated 13 March 1961 from the Deputy High Commissioner for the United Kingdom in Ibadan on the economic situation in Western Nigeria in the first six months after independence to the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, Duncan Sandys.

Source et copyright

Source: Summary of Ibadan Despatch No.4 of 13th March 1961: The Western Region of Nigeria. Economic — The first six months. Great Britain. High Commission (Lagos). 13-03-1961. Conservé à: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). DO - Records created or inherited by the Dominions Office, and of the Commonwealth Relations and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, DO 177 - Commonwealth Relations Office: Nigeria. Economic report on western Nigeria, DO 177/38.

Copyright: (c) The National Archives of the United Kingdom

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