Address given by Winston Churchill at the Congress of Europe in The Hague (7 May 1948)

On 7 May 1948, at the opening session of the Congress of Europe in The Hague, Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister and Honorary President of the Congress, delivers an address from the platform in the Ridderzaal (Knights' Hall) at the Binnenhof, home to the Netherlands' Parliament, in which he warns of the threat which the Soviet Union represents for the future of European unification.

Source et copyright

Source: Council of Europe = Conseil de l'Europe. Congress of Europe = Congrès de l'Europe, The Hague, 7-11 May 1948 = La Haye, 7-11 mai 1948. Strasbourg: Council of Europe = Conseil de l'Europe, April 1999 = avril 1999. 453 p. ISBN 92-871-3918-0. p. 7-11.

Copyright: (c) Council of Europe

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