Reactions from civil society to the failure of the EDC Resources (4) Items per page 25 25 50 100 Consult Share Twitter Facebook Email 'A pact with shortcomings' from the Süddeutsche Zeitung (30 May 1952) Text Consult Share Twitter Facebook Email "On the building sites of Europe" in United Europe (April 1953) Text Consult Share Twitter Facebook Email 'Indivisible Community', from Der Spiegel (22 April 1953) Text Consult Share Twitter Facebook Email 'The forgotten story of the plan for a European Political Community', from Communauté européenne (August-September 1968) Text
Consult Share Twitter Facebook Email 'A pact with shortcomings' from the Süddeutsche Zeitung (30 May 1952) Text
Consult Share Twitter Facebook Email "On the building sites of Europe" in United Europe (April 1953) Text
Consult Share Twitter Facebook Email 'The forgotten story of the plan for a European Political Community', from Communauté européenne (August-September 1968) Text