On 24 May 1973, the Bureau of the European Parliament instructs the Political Affairs Committee to draw up a report on the election of the Members of the Assembly by direct universal suffrage. On 13 January 1975, the Dutch rapporteur, Schelto Patijn, submits the report which will be adopted by the House the following day.
European Parliament Resolution of 14 January 1975 on the adoption of a draft convention introducing elections to the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage. This text replaces the draft text of 17 May 1960.
Excerpt from the Conclusions of the Rome European Council of 1 and 2 December 1975, concerning direct elections to the European Parliament. It is agreed that elections will take place in May-June 1978.
The Rome European Council of 1 and 2 December 1975 agrees that the election of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage will be held in May and June 1978.
In March 1976, French President, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, states his opinion on the future election of the European Parliament (EP) by direct universal suffrage as of 1979.
Le 10 avril 1976, interviewé sur les ondes de RTL, Leo Tindemans, Premier ministre de Belgique, exprime sa confiance dans l'efficacité du suffrage universel direct pour l'élection, au plus tôt en 1978, du Parlement européen.
On 12 July 1976, while the Nine seek agreement on the number and the distribution of seats in the directly elected European Parliament, in London, the House of Commons holds a debate on the size and composition of the Assembly, its legislative timetable and the status of its Members.
Statement by the President of the European Parliament, Georges Spénale, following the Brussels European Council of 12 July 1976, concerning direct elections to the European Parliament.
In January 1975, the European Parliament adopts a draft agreement on the election of Members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage. On the basis of this draft, and after overcoming various differences of opinion, the Heads of State or Government reach an agreement at their meeting on 12 and 13 July 1976.
During the Brussels European Council on 12 and 13 July 1976, a large crowd demonstrates in favour of the election by direct universal suffrage of the Members of the European Parliament. The photo shows the arrival of the French President, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing.
On 14 July 1976, German daily newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung considers the scope of the agreement, reached the previous day at the Brussels European Council, concerning the number and distribution of elected seats in the European Parliament.
Article paru en septembre 1976 dans le quotidien La Libre Belgique suite au Conseil européen de Bruxelles des 12 et 13 juillet 1976. En vue du court délai jusqu'à la date initialement prévue pour la première élection du Parlement européen au suffrage direct en mai-juin 1978, l'auteur explique les raisons des difficultés pour établir une procédure électorale uniforme dans tous les États membres ainsi que pour mettre en place les différents dispositifs électoraux.