'The European Investment Bank helps implement Amsterdam decisions' from EUR-OP News

In its 40th year of operation, the European Investment Bank (EIB) fulfils its fundamental role in facilitating the transition to the single currency: on the one hand, the EIB contributes, through its lending to the less-developed regions, to the economic convergence of the European Union; on the other, by issuing loans and bonds in euros, it helps establish a large capital market in euros. Furthermore, the EIB authorises lending to encourage employment creation in Europe and to support the EU external development cooperation policies.

Source and copyright

Source: EUR-OP News. Information from the European Communities' Publications Office. ; Editor VON WITZLEBEN, Alexander. 1997, n° 3. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (EUR-OP). ISSN 1021-1675.

Copyright: EUR-OP News

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