Reactions to the floating of the French franc (RTL, 19 January 1974)
Audio extract In this programme broadcast on RTL radio on 19 January 1974, the journalist Roger Priouret, Jacques Rueff, member of the French Academy and expert on monetary issues, Michel Debré, MP and former Prime Minister under Charles de Gaulle, François Mitterrand, First Secretary of the Socialist Party, and Antoine Pinay, former Finance Minister and Ombudsman of the French Republic, give their reactions to the decision taken by Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, French Finance Minister, to float the French franc outside the fixed parities of the European monetary snake for a period of six months in order to cope with the international monetary crisis.
Source and copyright
Source: Le serpent monétaire / ROGER PRIOURET, Jacques Rueff.- Paris: RTL [Prod.], 19 janvier 1974. RTL, Paris. - (20:09, Montage, Son original).
Photo: Congrès de la F.N.S.E.A.. J. Langevin. Versailles: Sygma, 1985. Couleur.
Copyright: (c) Archives RTL
Photo: (c) Sygma / J. Langevin
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