Decision by the German Constitutional Court on the Treaty of Lisbon (30 June 2009)

On 30 June 2009, the German Constitutional Court delivers its verdict following an action brought by a group of complainants who accuse the Treaty of Lisbon of breaching the Basic Law by weakening the prerogatives of the German Parliament and infringing the principle of democracy. The Court’s decision states that the Treaty complies with the German Basic Law. But the accompanying law (Begleitgesetz) that governs the rights of participation of the Bundestag and the Bundesrat in European affairs is found to violate the Basic Law as it does not give the legislative bodies sufficient rights of participation. The judges rule that it has shortcomings and needs to be improved.

Source and copyright

Source: Bundesverfassungsgericht – BVerfG, 2 BvE 2/08 vom 30.6.2009, Absatz-Nr. (1 - 421), [ON-LINE]. [Karlsruhe]: Bundesverfassungsgericht, [01.10.2013].

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