Koen Lenaerts, The future organisation of the European Courts

In this contribution, Koen Lenaerts, Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Communities and Professor of European Law at the University of Leuven, looks at the amendments made by the Nice Treaty to the Treaty establishing the European Community and considers the future organisation of European jurisdiction and, in particular, the distribution of powers between the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance.

Source and copyright

Source: DEMARET, Paul; GOVAERE, Inge; HANF, Dominik (Ed.). 30 Years of European Legal Studies at the College of Europe = 30 ans d'études juridiques européennes au Collège d'Europe, Liber Professorum 1973-74 - 2003-04. Bruxelles: P.I.E.-Peter Lang, 2005. 563 p. ISBN 90-5201-251-2. (College of Europe Studies = Cahiers du Collège d'Europe No. 2).

Copyright: (c) P.I.E. - Peter Lang, Bruxelles, 2005.
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