Cartoon by Plantu on the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty in France (5 September 1992)
Image ‘YES. “If I may, Mr President, I’m sorry, forgive me, excuse me, but the answer is no!”’ On 5 September 1992, in the lead-up to the referendum on the ratification of the Treaty of Maastricht, French cartoonist Plantu illustrates the opposition of Philippe Séguin, former Minister for Social Affairs and Employment (1986–1988) and a fervent Gaullist, to the Treaty. Two days earlier, on 3 September, in the main lecture hall at the Sorbonne, a televised debate was held between French President François Mitterrand, a supporter of the Treaty, and Philippe Séguin, leader of the ‘no’ campaign. Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who took part in this broadcast via a live link-up from Bonn, emphasised the importance of the friendship between Germany and France and the efforts made by the two countries to promote further political and economic unification in Europe. From left to right: The Franco-German duo Kohl and Mitterrand must deal with the opposition of Philippe Séguin.
Source and copyright
Source: PLANTU. "Oui. Si je puis me permettre M. le Président, je suis désolé de vous demander pardon, excusez-moi, mais c'est non!" dans Le Monde. Paris: Le Monde. 05.09.1992, n°14807, p.1.
Copyright: (c) Plantu