Cartoon by Low on the European Payments Union (28 March 1950)

On 28 March 1950, the British cartoonist, David Low, illustrates the hesitations of Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Secretary (left), and Hugh Gaitskell, British Chancellor of the Exchequer (right), at calls from Paul Hoffman, US administrator of the Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) given the task of managing the distribution of funds under the Marshall Plan, for them to join the future European Payments Union (EPA).

Source and copyright

Source: Daily Herald. 28.03.1950, n° 10 625. London. "Slightly mixed bathing", auteur:Low, David , p. 2.

Copyright: (c) David Low Associated Newspaper / Solo Syndication, London

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Cartoon by Low on the European Payments Union (28 March 1950)