Cartoon by HeKo on the Cuban crisis (30 September 1962)
Image ‘What do you mean, a threat? Surely it’s all right to go fishing, isn’t it?’ On 30 September 1962, the German cartoonist Herbert Kolfhaus illustrates the diplomatic and political trial of strength between Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and the US President John F. Kennedy over the strategic importance of the island of Cuba. Following the signing of an agreement in late September 1962 between Cuba and the USSR for the construction of a port in the Bay of Havana, which according to Cuban leader Fidel Castro will serve as a base for the Soviet fishing fleet in the Atlantic, the cartoonist paints an ironic picture of Moscow’s real plans on the island of Cuba.
Source and copyright
Source: HEKO (Herbert Kolfhaus). "Wieso Bedrohung? Man wird doch ein wenig der Fischerei nachgehen dürfen?" dans Deutsche Zeitung 29/30.09.1962.
Copyright: (c) Deutsche Zeitung