Adoption of the ‘Davignon Report’ (Luxembourg, 27 October 1970)
Image On 27 October 1970, in Luxembourg, the Foreign Ministers of the Six adopt the report on the harmonisation of foreign policies among the Six, prepared under the leadership of Viscount Étienne Davignon, Political Director in the Belgian Foreign Ministry. The Davignon Report recommends greater cooperation between the Member States of the European Communities in the field of international policy.
Source and copyright
Source: G. F. Seingry - F. Visine. 25 ans de Marché commun. Bruxelles: Editions Delta, 1982. 80 p. ISBN 2-8029-0035-8.
27 octobre 1970, approbation du "Rapport Davignon" sur la coopération politique. Photothèque de la Commission des Communautés européennes, 27/10/1970. Noir et blanc.
Copyright: (c) European Communities