The Tripartite Council for Economic Cooperation
Note from the Belgian Foreign Ministry on the draft Franco-Belgian economic agreement (28 August 1944)
TextOn 28 August 1944, the Belgian Foreign Ministry issues a note on the draft Franco-Belgian economic agreement concerning the establishment of a limited organisation for European economic cooperation between Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
Lettre de Jules Guillaume à Paul-Henri Spaak (Paris, le 19 janvier 1945)
TextLe 19 janvier 1945, Jules Guillaume, ambassadeur de Belgique à Paris transmet une lettre à Paul-Henri Spaak, ministre belge des Affaires étrangères, dans laquelle il évoque la position de la France quant à la création d'une union douanière entre la Belgique, la France, le Luxembourg et les Pays-Bas.
Communiqué on the discussions between the Belgian and French Foreign Ministries (23 February 1945)
TextOn 23 February 1945, Belgium and France conclude limited economic agreements on the resumption of trade, the exchange of tax information and payment facilities between their two national banks.
Economic Agreement for Mutual Consultation (Paris, 20 March 1945)
TextOn 20 March 1945, Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands sign the Economic Agreement for Mutual Consultation in Paris.