Digital Humanities Lab
The team
Dr Catherine Jones. Kate joined the CVCE in June 2014 as the Digital Humanities Lab Coordinator. Prior to joining she was a senior lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Portsmouth, UK where she was Project Director and Principal investigator for the JISC funded BombSight project, developing an interactive web mapping and Augmented Reality Mobile App. She is interested in the development of useful and usable systems and data, to join disparate datasets together to form meaningful narratives. She studied for an MSc at University College London in 2002 in Geographical Information Systems and went on to complete a Knowledge Transfer Partnership, PhD and Post Doc at the same university, with a focus on interdisciplinary research and mapping.
Dr Florentina Armaselu. Florentina holds a Master's degree in Computer Science and a PhD in Comparative Literature (University of Montreal) focusing on electronic texts, text encoding, editing interfaces and their applications in literary studies. Other fields of experience are research and development in computational linguistics (North Side Inc., Montreal, Canada), teaching and design of pedagogical tools for computer assisted language learning and terminology (Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova, Romania). At the Digital Humanities Lab, she is working on a prototype for text editing and encoding.
Dr Marten During. Marten is working as Researcher in the Digital Humanities Lab at Centre virtuel de la connaissance sur l'Europe in Luxembourg. Between January and June 2014 I held the position of CDHI Digital History Postdoc at UNC Chapel Hill, which I left in favour of a permament contract with CVCE. I had worked for CVCE in the previous autumn, and was part of the CUbRIK project. Previously I worked as eHumanities Post Doc at Radboud University Nijmegen where I did research on "Strikes that never happened" together with my colleagues Antal van den Bosch, Iris Hendrickx and Kalliopi Zervanou.
Cécile Duval,is the holder of a DEA (postgraduate diploma) in Political Science from the University of Paris I–Panthéon-Sorbonne, began her professional career at the Directorate-General for Research in the Secretariat-General of the European Parliament in Luxembourg, before joining the ENA project (which became the CVCE in 2003) in 2001. After specialising in iconographic research for ten years, her role has gradually progressed and she is now involved in document management in a more broad sense. She currently serves as an interface between the CVCE's in-house users and the IT development team, and is responsible for interpreting the document management requirements of the EIS team.
Madeleine Hubert. Madeleine completed a Bachelor's degree in Library and Information Science in Brussels. She was particularly interested in the digital aspects of information science and decided to continue her studies with a Master's in Information Science, Communication and Documentation at Lille 3 University. She is the CVCE digital information manager. She is responsible for overseeing the best practices and document management of the CVCE's collections and ensuring compliance with applicable standards to optimise the accessibility and consultation of documents geared to the public. Her role involves both training and Web management, and particularly focuses on gathering and diffusing relevant information to improve the flow of knowledge.