Die politische Zusammenarbeit
Die politische Zusammenarbeit
Die Zusammenarbeit auf weltweiter Ebene
Rede von Paul-Henri Spaak (New York, 23. Oktober 1946)
Audio extractAm 23. Oktober 1946 hält der belgische Außenminister und Präsident der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen Paul-Henri Spaak in Flushing Meadow (New York) die Eröffnungsrede für die zweite Sitzungsperiode der Versammlung.
Die Zusammenarbeit in Europa
Address given by Paul-Henri Spaak (Brussels, 3 March 1948)
TextDuring the debate on the 1948 budget at the Belgian Foreign Ministry, Paul-Henri Spaak announces his support for rapid and close political and economic cooperation between Western European States.
Rede von Paul-Henri Spaak: die Notwendigkeit einer europäischen Solidarität (Luxemburg, 13. März 1948)
Audio extractAm 13. März 1948 hält der belgische Premierminister und Außenminister Paul-Henri Spaak in Luxemburg einen Vortrag, in dem er die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den europäischen Staaten als bestes Mittel im Widerstand gegen die sowjetische Bedrohung beschreibt.
Letter to Ernest Bevin from the International Committee of the Movements for European Unity (21 July 1948)
TextOn 21 July 1948, the International Committee of Movements for European Unity (ICMEU) questions Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Minister, on the United Kingdom's position concerning the creation of a European Assembly.
Memorandum on the convening of the European Assembly (August 1948)
TextIn August 1948, the International Committee of the Movements for European Unity sets down in a memorandum the efforts that it has been making for the past three months since the Congress of Europe in The Hague in order to persuade governments to establish a European Assembly.
Towards a European Assembly’ from La Nouvelle République (28 August 1948)
TextOn 28 August 1948, in an article in the Toulouse daily newspaper La Nouvelle République, Paul Ramadier, former French Prime Minister and Chairman of the Political Committee at the Congress of Europe in The Hague three months earlier, welcomes the action taken by the pro-European movements and the line adopted by the governments concerning the idea of a European Assembly.
‘The proposed European Assembly’ from Le Monde (28 August 1948)
TextOn 28 August 1948, the French daily newspaper Le Monde depicts the United Kingdom’s reservations towards Europe, particularly with regard to the proposed European Assembly, and attempts to discover the reasons for such a guarded attitude.
British note concerning the European Assembly (7 September 1948)
TextOn 7 September 1948, the British authorities express a number of doubts about the memorandum drawn up by the International Committee for the Coordination of European Movements (ICCEM) with a view to the establishment of a European Assembly.
Statement by the French representative before the Standing Committee for the Brussels Treaty (18 October 1948)
TextOn 18 October 1948, the French representative to the Standing Committee for the Brussels Treaty calls on all the delegations from the Five to work together for the establishment of a European Assembly.
Memorandum on the British proposal for a Council of Europe (Paris, 26 November 1948)
TextOn 26 November 1948, the British delegation on the Committee for the Study of European Unity, chaired in Paris by Édouard Herriot, proposes the creation of a Council of Europe which would consist of a Consultative Assembly and a Council of Ministers.
Statement by the British delegation (London, 28 March 1949)
TextOn 28 March 1949, the British delegation participating in the negotiations of the Five on the establishment of a Council of Europe sends to its partners a preparatory note concerning the conduct and objectives of the final phase of their work.
"Europäisches Bewußtsein" in Süddeutsche Zeitung (5. Mai 1949)
TextAm 5. Mai 1949 befasst sich die deutsche Tageszeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung mit den diplomatischen Verhandlungen, die die Einführung einer politischen Zusammenarbeit zwischen den demokratischen Ländern Westeuropas und die Gründung des Europarates zum Ziel haben.
"Was verbirgt sich hinter den "Vereinigten Staaten Europas"? " in Zeitung vum Lëtzebuerger Vollek (28. Mai 1949)
TextAm 28. Mai 1949 schildert die kommunistische Luxemburger Tageszeitung Zeitung vum letzebuerger Vollek die Pläne Großbritanniens für ein Vereinigtes Europa als Versuch der Vereinigten Staaten, Westeuropa dem Einfluss der Sowjetunion zu entziehen.
‘When are we to have "European sovereignty"?' from Le Phare Dimanche (7 August 1949)
TextOn 7 August 1949, while discussing the forthcoming meeting of the Council of Europe on the future of the European union, the Brussels weekly newspaper Le Phare Dimanche outlines the obstacles to be overcome on the path towards a European federation.
'Birth or death of Europe?' from Le Monde (9 August 1949)
TextOn 9 August 1949, the day after the first meeting of the Council of Europe, the French daily newspaper Le Monde remains cautious about the role of the future Assembly of Europe and is concerned about the obstacles that litter the road towards European unity.
"Großbritannien, Europa und das Commonwealth" in Le Monde (24. Dezember 1949)
TextAm 24. Dezember 1949 beschreibt der ehemalige britische Außenminister Anthony Eden in der französischen Tageszeitung Le Monde die Haltung, die das Vereinigte Königreich im vereinten Europa angesichts der für die Briten wichtigen Rolle des Commonwealth einnehmen will.
'Unity of Europe' from the Corriere della Sera (1 April 1950)
TextOn 1 April 1950, the Italian daily newspaper Corriere della Sera considers the issues and the difficulties involved in the plans for a European political authority called for by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
Speech by Paul van Zeeland at the Council of Europe (Strasbourg, 10 December 1951)
TextOn 10 December 1951, Paul van Zeeland, Belgian Foreign Minister, gives an address to the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe in which he examines the possibilities for political development of the European institutions.