Projekt „Spain and the European integration process: converging pathways“
Publications scientifiques
Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘Instrumental Bridges or Fruitful Ties? Spain's role in the consolidation of an EU-Latin America Partnership', in Laschi, Giuliana, The European Communities and the World, PIE Peter Lang, Brussels, 2014
Blanco Sío-López, Cristina; Tedeschi, Paolo, ‘Migrants and European Institutions: A study on the attempts to address the economic and social challenges of immigration in European Member States', in Fauri, Francesca, The Great Exodus: Economic and Social Impact: 1850-2010, Università di Bologna, Bologna, 2014
Blanco Sío-López, Cristina; Muñoz, Susana (ed.), Converging Pathways. Spain and the European Integration Process / Itinerarios cruzados. España y el proceso de construcción europea, PIE Peter Lang, Brussels, 2013
Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘Conclusion: Converging Pathways?' in Blanco Sío-López, Cristina; Muñoz, Susana (ed.), 'Converging Pathways. Spain and the European Integration Process / Itinerarios cruzados. España y el proceso de construcción europea', PIE Peter Lang, Brussels, 2013
Publications 2011-2013
Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, 'Prólogo: Europa ante el espejo: El poder del salto recesivo', in Bravo Villalobos, Paula Alejandra, La Unión Europea y América Latina en el contexto de la crisis actual, Ril Editories & Centro Jean Monnet de Estudios Europeos, Universidad de Concepción (Chile), 2013, pp. 1-4
Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, 'El corpus digital de investigación "España y la integración europea": La evolución de la relación entre América Latina, España y la Unión Europea', in Theiler, Julio César; Maíz, Claudio; Agramunt, Luis Felipe (comp.), Los desafíos de la integración en el siglo XXI. Presentaciones del I Congreso Internacional de la Red de Integración Latinoamericana, Ediciones de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), Santa Fe, 2011, pp. 17-33. ISBN 978-987-657-580-5.
Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘Spain in the Process of European Integration: The Historical Evolution of the Discourse and Implementation of Spain's Mediating Role between the European Union and Latin America', in Roy, Joaquín; Lorca-Susino, Maria (ed.), Spain in the European Union: the first Twenty-Five Years 1986-2011, Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Miami & Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence, Miami, 2011, pp. 45-59. Preface and Introduction by Joaquín Almunia and Enrique Barón Crespo. ISBN 978-1-4507-6860-3.
Blanco Sío-López, Cristina; Piermattei, Massimo, ‘La fragilità dei sogni: gli europei, la crisi, il futuro dell'Europa unita', in Officina della Storia. Rivista on line di storia del tempo presente, No 7 / February 2012, CSSEM — Centro Studi per la Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell'Università degli Studi della Tuscia. ISSN 1974-286X. Available at