‘Willy Brandt: the EEC is 10 years old but is still far from its goal’ from the Sozialdemokratischer Pressedienst (20 March 1967)

On 20 March 1967, on the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Rome Treaties, Willy Brandt, Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), emphasises the need for a common policy in the fields of transport and energy, as well as the principle of free movement, with a view to the completion of the European Communities.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Sozialdemokratischer Pressedienst. 20.03.1967, Nr. P/XXII/55. Bonn: Sozialdemokratischer Pressedienst GmbH. "Vom Ziel noch weit entfernt. Zehn Jahre Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft", auteur:Brandt, Willy , p. 2.
Archiv der sozialen Demokratie der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, [s.l.].

Copyright: Alle Rechte vorbehalten

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