Notre Europe, European Union, the Reform of the Council of Ministers (February 2001)

In February 2001, this report, drawn up by the French Research and Policy Group Notre Europe, provides a summary record of a seminar on the reform of the Council of the European Union, held on 4 September 2000 in Paris, which it organised in cooperation with the Brussels-based association Les Amis de l’Europe. This document also includes the recommendations adopted by the Notre Europe European Steering Committee following the seminar.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: European Union, the Reform of the Council of Ministers, A seminar organised in Paris on 4 September 2000 by the 'Notre Europe' research centre and by the 'Les Amis de l'Europe' association, presided by Jacques Delors and Etienne Davignon. Report by Jean-Louis Arnaud. Paris: Groupement d'études et de recherches - Notre Europe, February 2001. 49 p.

Copyright: (c) Notre Europe

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